From Hot Mess To Flamin' Success

How to invest in good brand design for your biz with Gabrielle Chelius: Founder of Oh Em Gee Creative

Sharon Season 1 Episode 11

If you think about what it is that inspires you to make a purchase or learn more about a company, chances are their branding has a big part to play. 

In fact, a beautiful, eye-catching brand is what could set your small business apart from the rest and build trust, resulting in more leads, and greater growth.

In episode 11 of From Hot Mess to Flamin’ Success, Sharon and Gabby discuss some of the key pillars of good brand design, and how making the investment could benefit you.

Some of the things they cover off include:

  • What is meant by the term ‘brand identity,’ which Gabby likens to as your brand’s personality. 
  • The value and importance of having a compelling brand, and rolling it out across your various platforms in a consistent way.
  • The process involved in working with a brand designer, including the four Ds: discovery, direction, design and delivery.
  • That small business owners should aim to view branding as an investment instead of an expense.
  • How a professional brand that communicates your values can reduce risk when you’re launching a new business or product. 
  • The price points for professional branding, which vary depending on a studio’s size, as well as the deliverables you’re seeking.
  • Gabby’s do’s and don’ts when it comes to branding (spoiler alert: avoid taking the DIY brand route!)

To learn more about Gabby’s offering and approach, head to:



This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative