From Hot Mess To Flamin' Success

Getting your personal finances in order with Kate Campbell Founder & Editor of How To Money

Sharon Season 1 Episode 9

A personal budget is important not only if you’re an employee, but a business owner too, as the two are inextricably linked. 

Ideally, you’ll create your personal budget first, and this will then influence things like pricing in your biz. So, with a new financial year having just arrived, it’s time to get planning and goal setting!

This prompted us to look to one of the personal finances pros for episode 9 of From Hot Mess To Flamin’ Success: Kate Campbell, the Editor & Founder of How To Money.

In this episode Sharon and Kate cover off: 

  • The inspiration behind launching How to Money – namely Kate has found that personal finance management is one of those things we don’t tend to get taught at school.
  • Some key steps to take when creating a personal budget, and how aligning your goals with practical steps is key.
  • The importance of budget flexibility, experimenting with different scenarios, and the value of getting a friend or family member to join you on the journey (you might even find it becomes fun!)
  • Recommended budget tracking tools such as Frollo, Pocketbook and PocketSmith, which many banks also have, and budget sub-categories to include.
  • The joy vs. spend dichotomy, and spending in a way that complements your goals and values.
  • Kate’s concept of the ‘money date’, where you carve out time each month to head to a cafe and sit down to look at how you’re actually tracking against your budget. 
  • Tips for ‘giving a dollar a job’ and getting the most out of the new financial year.

Seeking some support with your personal finances, so that you can succeed in business, too? Learn more about How To Money and get in touch with Kate via their:



This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative