From Hot Mess To Flamin' Success

Setting your pricing strategy with Amy Hooke from the Savvy Bookkeeper

Sharon Season 1 Episode 1

In episode one of From Hot Mess to Flamin’ Success MicroChilli’s CEO & Founder, Sharon Crombie speaks with Amy Hooke, Founder of The Savvy Bookkeeper.

Leaning on her own experiences of attempting to launch her own biz, where while it was successful, she found it so stressful that she quit, Amy now supports smart bookkeepers on their journey to becoming business savvy bookkeepers. 

She helps them avoid the mistakes she made by helping them build professional, profitable online bookkeeping practices that can eventually even run without them. 

With pricing being so key to all of this, our topic for this episode is all about pricing, and how to create the right strategy for your business.

 We cover things like:

  • When small business owners should work out their pricing
  • Top tips for setting pricing
  • How this differs between product and service-based businesses
  • Ways small business owners can go about increasing their prices
  • Some common mistakes small business owners make when it comes to pricing, and what they can do to avoid them

Need to nail your pricing? Then tune in via your favourite podcast app to hear Amy’s valuable insights!