From Hot Mess To Flamin' Success

Why process is a must in your business, no matter the size with Charlotte Isaac, Dubsado Strategist & Business Operations Consultant

Sharon Season 1 Episode 14

If you’re spending loads of time on proposals, struggle to respond to leads or follow up with prospects, or don’t have a clear client onboarding and offboarding process in place… Then your business could be in need of some process related R&R!

Firstly, know that you’re not alone, and this is so common. Secondly, episode 15 of our podcast is going to be a must listen for you. Here Sharon and Charlotte Isaac, a Dubsado Strategist & Business Operations Consultant, cover the tools, tips and tricks you can lean on to streamline your operations, get more time back in the day, secure new clients, and grow your biz. 

Take a listen to hear Charlotte talk through:

  • The value of process in a small business (we’re all time poor, after all!)
  • Some quick wins when it comes setting up and streamlining your operations
  • The three key processes she recommends establishing before you launch (you can still do this now if you’re already up and running, though!): lead nurturing, onboarding, and offboarding.
  • Some of the benefits of a process-driven approach 
  • The key process-driven platforms to consider: a CRM, scheduling tool, and project management tool, and her recommendations for each. 

To learn more about Charlotte’s services and to get in touch, head to her website.

Charlotte has also created a special link for listeners to access her course: 7 Steps To Automation for free! Check it out

This podcast has been produced and edited by
Snappystreet Creative