From Hot Mess To Flamin' Success

Advice for safeguarding your small biz online with Richard Addiscott (Cyber Security Expert)

Sharon Season 1 Episode 10

Whether personally or professionally, most of us will have received a suspicious looking email or text, or worse, had our website or social media platforms hacked at least once before.

Managing our security online is super important these days, as so much of our work and communication is done through digital channels. 

All of this is what inspired the topic of our latest episode! Listen in to hear cybersecurity expert Richard Addiscott talk with Sharon about:

  • How cybersecurity – or as Rich mentions it’s been referred to – ‘our soft underbelly’ has evolved in recent years and is no longer a nice to have, but a must have.
  • Some of the implications of a cyber attack.
  • The importance of mindset here, and recognising that you could, in fact, fall victim to a cyber attack. No one is immune!
  • Common types of cyber attacks, including phishing, which Rich says is responsible for a large chunk of security breaches.
  • Tips for creating a cybersecurity policy for your organisation. Importantly: keep it simple and avoid technical jargon, so your people understand what they need to be doing.
  • Key signs that you might have been hacked.
  • The importance of doing your due diligence when it comes to software selection.
  • The notion of the ‘business email compromise’ and what to do if this happens in your company. 
  • Some resources to consider for staying on the front foot from a cybersecurity perspective.
  • A key benefit of having a strong cybersecurity system in place: it can help you build brand trust.

This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative