From Hot Mess To Flamin' Success

Small business trademarking: why it's a must for protecting your IP with Raquel @ Legiterati

Sharon Season 1 Episode 8

Did you know that registering for an ABN doesn’t necessarily mean you have exclusive rights to your business name, as well as brand assets like your logo and tagline? 

This is where trademarking comes in. Not just reserved for big corporations, it’s important when it comes to protecting your business, and what Raquel Garcia, a Trade Marks Attorney and Founder of Legiterati likens to “an insurance policy for brands.”

So in episode 8 of From Hot Mess To Flamin’ Success, Sharon and Raquel chat about:

  • How trademarking can be used to help you protect your brand and business assets, and deter other organisations, no matter their size, from using them.
  • The important differences between a business name and the trademarking of that name. 
  • Why applying for a trademark is key before you launch: it will help you avoid expensive re-brands and even (gulp) a lawsuit.
  • How a registered trade mark becomes property, and why this is essential if you’re seeking investors, or looking to eventually exit the business.
  • The process involved in applying for a trade mark, which operates on a ‘first to file’ priority basis (which means time is of the essence!)
  • The cost of trademarking, and how long a trade mark lasts. 
  • Trade mark monitoring, its value in terms of ensuring others aren’t filing for names, logos or other assets that are ‘confusingly similar’ to yours, and how to oppose a trademark application (of which you’ve only got two months to do so)
  • That it is possible to apply for a trade mark yourself, however with 45 classes to choose from, it can be a bit of a maze, so looking to an expert is key!

Inspired to take action before it’s too late? Get in touch with Raquel to find out more about trademarking, and how she can support you!




This podcast has been produced and edited by Snappystreet Creative